This special edition of Counter Active Threat Training (CATT) will be led by Brad Orsini, Senior National Security Advisor to SCN. Orsini previously served as the first Community Security Director for the Greater Pittsburgh community from 2017 - 2020.
Join our community security director, Meredith Burke, for a training program designed to prepare you for how to counter an active threat event.
A comprehensive training program to counter an active threat event developed for faith-based institutions and houses of worship, but applicable to all active threat events wherever they are encountered.
Learning Objectives
- Identify and explain the steps to survive an active threat incident: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.
- Understand how to prepare for an active threat event.
- Know how to respond to law enforcement’s arrival.
- Recognize the importance of additional trainings such as Stop the Bleed.
- Commit to action during an active threat event.