
23 2023

Help Pack Abortion After-Care Comfort Kits

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

AJCC 3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815

Contact Andrea Friedenthal

Roe has fallen, but we're still standing! Stand up & support women who have to travel long distances for an abortion! Hear speakers from Planned Parenthood and FPA Women's Health about what's happening at the local clinics, and help pack comfort kits for their clients. We'll also write thank-you notes to the nurses and doctors on the front lines.

Want to help even more? Kits cost about $8 each and we need at least 250 per quarter. And the need is every-growing! Funds can also help with lodging, child care, and transportation, if we raise enough. Any amount is helpful! Donate at

See you there! RSVP to

Sponsor: NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County