
4 2019

Losing Roe: What Would This Mean for California?

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus 3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815

Contact Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Campus

NCJW Long Beach is sponsoring a Pastry & Politics discussion on reproductive rights. We have two important speakers: Professor Michele Goodwin, a Chancellor’s Professor at UC Irvine and founding director of the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy; and Betha Schnelle, COO of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. They will focus on how access and services could change if we were to lose Roe in the Supreme Court, with discussion about particular impacts here in California as well as across the country. This event is free and open to the community.

Sponsor: NCJW Long Beach