
5 2019

NCJW Pastry & Politics-Sex Trafficking in LB -- Yes, It Does Happen Here

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus 3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815

Contact Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Campus

Please join us as we update our knowledge about sex trafficking in Long Beach. NCJW's Pastry and Politics Committee has invited great experts to speak to us: Hon. Catherine Pratt, juvenile court judge; Detective Satwan Johnson of the Long Beach Police Department's Trafficking Division; Mary White, director of Gems Uncovered, an organization that provides resources to victims; and Tangelia Myles, a victim advocate and a former victim of sex trafficking. You will get current information about the issue and ways you can help.  

If possible, please bring items that Gems Uncovered can put in the Dignity Bags they provide to rescued victims, such as toiletries, hair brush/comb, underwear, journal/pen, and small stuffed animals. 

This event is being co-sponsored by Patrick Erlandson, director of Men Standing Against Trafficking and founder of the See It End It Human Trafficking Film and Arts Festival. He has arranged for us to view "Modern Slave," a 15-minute short documentary fresh off the film festival trail.

Sponsor: NCJW Long Beach and Men Standing Against Trafficking