
28 2019

Pastry and Politics -- 2020: Changes Are Coming to CA Elections!

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus 3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815

Contact Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Campus

To make our vote count in 2020, we will all need to keep an eye on more than “just” the politics.  Our election systems are changing in California.  The California Primary Election is moving to March.  All California cities and counties will have their primary elections on the same day.  Instead of having one day to vote at the polls, there will be 10 days of early voting.  There will be same-day voter registration.   And yes, Bubby, there will be no more local precinct polling places.  Instead, we will have “Voting Centers.”   Meet Supervisor Hahn's Long Beach Area Field Deputy and a representative of the LA County Registrar's Office about all this and more.

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