Bring your Mahj or Bridge group, Rummykub friends, Poker pals, Scrabble buddies -- or play with and make new friends!
The $54 fee includes lots of fun and games, an all-day beverage station and a lovely lunch!
Please RSVP either on our website ( or by mailing us by March 10 your $54 check made out to NCJW, your game choice, whether you have a group to play with or need a group, and a list of your table friends. Please send your mail to NCJW - GLB & WOC, attn: Judy Leff, 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815.
For more information, contact Roberta Friedman at 657-235-2511 pr at
Sponsor: NCJW - Greater Long Beach & W. Orange County