
25 2018

NCJW Hugpack Packing Party

6:30PM - 8:00PM  

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus 3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815


Our next hugpack packing party will be our last one for this school calendar year. We are packing for kindergartners through 2nd graders.
Hug Packs are backpacks we stuff with all kinds of school supplies, toiletries, books, hygiene items, and toys​ that are given to children who are taken into the foster care system by the Department of Children and Family Services, often suddenly, and with no chance to gather these kinds of things. NCJW Long Beach is the only agency that does this for the DCFS, and they are very, very appreciative. Please help by volunteering 90 minutes to pack.
Our hope is that this session will be a big hurrah before the summer vacation. Lots of wonderful products, toys, and school supplies will be provided to these young foster children. We've had a sparse turnout lately; we need more hands (and hearts) to keep this mitzvah going!
RSVP to info@ncjwlongbeach.org for more information.

Sponsor: NCJW Long Beach