Friday | October 18 | 5 PM
with Temple Israel and PJ Library
Celebrate Sukkot with a vegetarian kosher-style dinner in the Sukkah for the whole family! Enjoy pasta dinner, drinks, dessert, and a hands-on Sukkot experience! Plus, enjoy crafts and a Tot Shabbat featuring Cantor Cooper before dinner.
Sukkot is a special time for friends and family to come together. If you don’t have a sukkah or have never seen one, this is a great chance to experience this sacred tradition! If you have a Sukkah of your own, help make ours special with your presence!
Space is limited. Reserve your spot today, and celebrate with us!
Individual: $10 | Family: $36
Wine Wristband: $10 (2 glasses of wine)
What is Sukkot?
Sukkot is celebrated from 15 – 21 Tishrei (late September-October). Also known as The Feast of Tabernacles — Sukkot recalls the journey of the Jews from Egypt to the Promised Land when they lived in a tent or booth called a Sukkah. The harvest season is symbolized by the lulav (palm branch), etrog (citron), the myrtle, and willow. During this week, we decorate our Sukkah with fruit and greenery and enjoy snacks outdoors.