Join NCJW under the Sukkah! Although Sukkot recalls our gratitude for the ingathering of bountiful fall harvest as we reside in the sukkah, at our event we will be conducting our own ingathering of diapers and wipes to aid two community organizations who work to helping the young, vulnerable children in our community - a different kind of "ingathering" no doubt, but sorely needed.
Please bring a package or two of diapers and some wipes (sizes 4-6 especially urgent but ay sizes will be welcomed) for the 125-150 mothers with children who visit Christian Outreach in Action's Diaper Bank every Friday, as well as the 50 student mothers at LBCC sleeping overnight in a designated "safe area" parking lot on campus. Guest speakers from our beneficiaries COA and LBCC will update us on the needs of mothers and children they are trying to fulfill.
All donations, whether monetary through our website via Tributes, especially Student Health and Wellness Fund for LBCC, or in-kind donations of diapers, training pants, and wipes are so appreciated as NCJW works to support the youngest ones in our community.
RSVP Required by Thursday, October 16, 2024
Sponsor: National Council of Jewish Women