
4 2024

Skondovitch: Abstract Expressionist Art

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

Alpert Jewish Community Center 3801 E. Willow Street, One Sommer Way
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus
Long Beach, CA

The Zena and Pauline Gatov Gallery at the Alpert JCC presents
Artwork by the late abstract expressionist painter Alfred Skondovitch

Exhibition: August 2 – September 23

Artist Reception: Sunday, August 4, 2 – 4 PM (Please RSVP below to let us know you’re coming!)

Gallery Hours: Open to the Public

A sampling of the vast work of the late abstract expressionist painter, Alfred Skondovitch.

Of Jewish background, Skondovitch was born in London to Eastern European immigrants. His life events ranged from evacuation as a child from London to the countryside during the war to avoid the bombings, to living in New York City as a young man in the midst of the abstract expressionist movement, and on to California where he met art students in Claremont and with whom he joined to fight forest fires in Alaska. Ultimately, he settled in Alaska, worked and raised a family, and continued painting.